D I A RY | 3 | Lok Man Law | Trauma |
CHIN A | 4 | Robert Templer | China after Mao: The Rise of a Superpower by Frank Dikötter |
PO EM | 5 | Daniel J. Dolley | ‘Evening at the Dhaba’ |
HIS T O R Y | 6 | Bill Hayton | In Asian Waters: Oceanic Worlds from Yemen to Yokohama by Eric Tagliacozzo |
C A MOB ODI A | 7 | Elizabeth Becker | Anthropological Witness: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal by Alexander Laban Hinton |
PO EM | 8 | Ivan Stacy | ‘Winter City’ |
INTER VIE W | 9 | James Crabtree | Bilahari Kausikan |
N O TEB O O K | 12 | Michael Vatikiotis | No surrender |
J O URN AL | 13 | Kang-Chun Cheng | The last generation |
PO EM | 14 | Johanna Carissa Fernandez | ‘Cabin’ |
MAL A Y S I A | 15 | Parthiban Muniandy | Irregular Migrants and the Sea at the Borders of Sabah, Malaysia: Pelagic Alliance by Vilashini Somiah |
ENVIR O NMENT | 17 | Wayne McCallum | Troubling the Water: A Dying Lake and a Vanishing World in Cambodia by Abby Seiff |
RELI GI O N | 18 | Paul Fuller | Wayward Distractions: Ornament, Emotion, Zombies and the Study of Buddhism in Thailand by Justin Thomas McDaniel |
LITER A TURE | 19 | Trent Walker | Out of Cambodia |
SHO R T S T O R Y | 21 | Shah Tazrian Ashrafi | Brother |
S TREE TFO O D | 23 | Sadaf Saaz | Jhal muri |
FI CTI O N | 24 | Dayaneetha De Silva | Rejection: A Sumatran Odyssey by Ashadi Siregar |
FI CTI O N | Rhoda Feng | Saha by Cho Nam-joo | |
S PY FI CTI O N | 25 | Paul French | China calling |
PO E TR Y | 26 | Adil Amin Akhoon and Bisma Farooq | Sufi circles |
NEI GHB O URH O O D | 27 | Tsering D. Gurung | Never alone |
P R O FILE | 28 | Minh Bui Jones | Drew Pavlou |
A RT | 30 | James Flath | Paper Horses: Traditional Woodblock Prints of Gods from Northern China by David Leffman |
FILM | 31 | Ruby Thiagarajan | #LookAtMe by Ken Kwek |
S P O RT | 32 | Annika Yates | Heavy lifting |
TR A VEL | 33 | Aileen Blaney | Tripping up |
B O O KS ELLER | 34 | Didier Pujol | Parenthèses, Hong Kong |
EDITOR Minh Bui Jones
DESIGN Jess Barr WEBSITE Nicholas Lhoyd-Owen
COVER Erica Eng ARTISTS Charis Loke, Gianluca Costantini, Emily Blundell Owers Mekong Review is published four times a year; next issue February 2023