
  • the exclamation mark! By Florence Hazrat
  • 52 Society Why we need a more radical view of the countryside By Fiona Sampson
  • 56 Television Nathan Fielder's exploits in the black comedy of reality By Ralph Jones
  • 60 Literature Reading Joseph Roth in post-Brexit Britain By Christopher Shrimpton


p. 64 Reviews

Briley Lewis on the Milky Way; Zoe Holman on diaspora voices; Tim Brinkhof on Harvard's failed intellectual experiment; Rahila Gupta on dangerous love in India; Andrew Mueller on a life lived online; Lucy Popescu on Kamila Shamsie's latest novel


p. 51 Zakia Carpenter-Hall

p. 55 Viacheslav Kupriyanov

p. 59 James Harpur

p. 63 Erkut Tokman

Samira Ahmed is a journalist and broadcaster who presents Front Row and Newswatch for the BBC

Alison Bashford is laureate professor of history at the University of New South Wales, Australia

Tim Brinkhof is a Dutch journalist and researcher based in the US

Marcus Chown is the author of many books on science. His latest is Breakthrough (Faber & Faber)

Andrew Copson is the chief executive of Humanists UK

Peter Forbes writes mainly on biology, medicine and all things nano

Rahila Gupta is a writer and campaigner

Florence Hazrat is the author of An Admirable Point: A Brief History of the Exclamation Mark! (Profile)

Dominic Hinde is a journalist specialising in

northern Europe, and a lecturer in media at the University of Glasgow

Zoe Holman is an Australian researcher and writer currently based in Greece

Ralph Jones is a freelance writer, journalist and comedy performer

Isabella Kaminski is a freelance journalist spe-cialising in the environment and climate change

Briley Lewis is a writer and PhD candidate at the University of California, studying astronomy and astrophysics

Chris Maslanka is the author of several puzzle books

Andrew Mueller is the author of I Wouldn’t Start from Here: A Misguided Tour of the Early 21st Century (Portobello)

J. P. O'Malley is a literary critic and interviewer

Jay Owens is author

of Dust: A History and a Future of Environmental Disaster (Hodder & Stoughton, out in 2023)

Lucy Popescu is editor of the anthology A Country to Call Home (Unbound) and a literary critic

Michael Rosen is a poet and broadcaster. His latest book is Many Different Kinds of Love: A Story of Life, Death and the NHS (Ebury)

Minoli Salgado is an academic and writer, whose latest book is Twelve Cries from Home: In Search of Sri Lanka's Disappeared (Repeater)

Fiona Sampson is an award-winning poet and author, and poetry editor of New Humanist

Christopher Shrimpton

is a writer and editor based in London

Laurie Taylor is president of the Rationalist Association and the presenter of Thinking Allowed on BBC Radio 4

New Humanist, ISSN 0306-512X, is published

four times a year by the Rationalist Association © 2022 New Humanist

Printed by Blackmore Ltd, Dorset

The views expressed in New Humanist are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Rationalist Association