Contents | In this issue
Inside this month
New campervans 6 News Cast your vote in our upcoming Campervan Awards!
11 Norvan T6.1 Camper A rather cool two-tone camper with a VW bench/bed in it
14 Murvi Pimento XL SB The latest version of this spicy ’van offers comfy single beds
21 Rolling Homes Shackleton An entry-level vee-dub with a whole lotta automotive bling
Road trips
24 England’s beautful south Exploring pretty Sussex, Hampshire, Somerset and Wiltshire
30 Reaching new peaks Hiking in northern Spain’s impressive Picos de Europa
36 Destination of the month Head to Norfolk for some seaside fun, stargazing and more
38 Adults-only campsites Enjoy a grown-up holiday without screaming kids around!
45 Renault Master self-build camper Permanent vanlifers build themselves a lovely new home
50 Campervan community What’s been rockin’ your weird and wonderful ’van world?
54 Camping with kids Enjoying the summer holidays with small children in tow
58 It’s a dog’s vanlife! Pets lead to a life-changing decision involving a campervan...
64 Five go mad on Mull If the Famous Five had a campervan on treasure island...
4 campervan August 2022