80 On Seeing and Naming the Whiteness of Philosophy George Yancy “The fear that Black thought sees through the evasive manoeuvres of whiteness is evident in the recent responses to critical race theory.”
88 History of an Interview Laurencia Sáenz Benavides and Adam Ferner “White ignorance is a matter of active suppression, often through clandestine mechanisms of disavowal and dissimulation.”
91 Ignorance, Innocent and Otherwise an interview with Charles W. Mills “The representation of Nazism as an unprecedented outlier in the evolution of Western civilization is fundamentally misleading.”
96 What is the Point of Wild Animals? Christopher Belshaw “It surely appears that these animals, and billions more, out in the wild, live such wretched lives that it would be better for them never to have existed.”
101 Transformation and Immortality: Introducing Dante’s Divina Commedia Sophie Grace Chappell
“Dante’s Paradise is – unchangingly – a place of infinite change; of change in who I am, among other things.”
107 Dante’s Inferno: Canto I: The Wood of Wilderness translated by Sophie Grace Chappell
112 From Redemption to Proper Dignity: Being Human in a Technological Age Sean D. Kelly “Just as it is impossible to complete the task of philosophical understanding, there is no satisfying way to start it either.”
121 Taking Simulation Seriously Tim Crane reviews Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy by David J. Chalmers “While AI machines have succeeded in exhibiting specific intelligence in clearly defined tasks, no one currently has any idea about how to create the kind of intelligence we have.”
126 Psychedelics and the Limits of Naturalism Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes reviews Philosophy of Psychedelics by Chris Letheby “One of the important contributions that psychedelics bring is to offer a
person novel conceptualizations of reality.”
133 Liquid Philosophy Artificial Fiction Chiara T. Ricciardone “Artificial writing is emerging as one element of a variety of humanAI conjunctions, and its ambiguous potential is framed by them.”
142 Philosophy in the Real World An Experiment in Co-Authorship Adam Ferner and Moya Mapps “How different is the co-authored paper from the single-authored paper? On some level, all philosophy is collaborative. None of it exists in a vacuum.”