Contents May 2022 vol 73 No.859

300 Porthdinllaen Railway of the Month 3mm scale layouts are often modest in their size and scope. Not so in the case of this extensive joint GWR and LMS system in North Wales created by Mike Corp, which has a scenic section that is almost a scale halfmile in length!

308 Constructing a GWR footbridge in 7mm Project of the Month Nigel Brown decided to construct a GWR footbridge from scratch using brass and nickel silver, together with a few bespoke additions sourced from outside suppliers.

312 Aldergrove After helping fellow members of Hull Miniature Railway Society with their projects, Martin Austin took the plunge to build his own N gauge layout for exhibition use.

318 Bovey Plan of the Month & Scale Drawings Toby Jennings suggests a track plan for this quintessential Great Western branch line station, with scale drawings of its surviving goods shed prepared by Steve Croucher and David Malton.

322 Bridgefield Quarries Childhood memories of iron ore quarry lines in Northamptonshire inspired Ian Wilson to build his first layout in O gauge.

328 Burrowing junctions Ian Blackburn describes a fold-away layout idea for N gauge, designed and built with ease of set-up and take- down in mind.

331 A road to nowhere Nick Waugh describes how he managed to blend a stretch of road seamlessly into the backscene on his N gauge layout.

332 River Crane Mill John Thorne relates how he set about creating a Kentish scene in 009, which plays host to an eclectic mix of locomotives and rolling stock.

336 Unusual wagons in Dentdale 3 Ian Nuttall continues his inspiring descriptions of some of the 600 wagons that are available to run on his Settle & Carlisle-inspired opus Dentdale.

341 Talking Points Topical issues from the world of railway modelling. This month, BBC journalist Justin Webb discusses his memories of the rail scene in the 1970s and how this influenced his railway modelling activities.
