Contents 6

In this issue Issue Spring

Compass Editorial Ben Evans introduces this issue’s theme of master weavers and workshops

Dialogue Two garden carpets in Scotland; Tunisian bakhnoug in Belgium; Joseph V. McMullan Award winners; Bonhams acquisitions; a Turkish weaving documentary preview

Diary Auctions, exhibitions and fairs worldwide

Calendar The listings page for the upcoming season

Thread of time Rachel Meek Attributions can change with the development of new technologies and reconfigured information

Travellers’ tales Cosima Stewart Turkey’s carpet museums and centres of traditional rug-making

P r o fi l e Rachel Meek His career at Cranbrook Academy of Art has seen Gerhardt Knodel continuously asking questions of woven textiles

Comment Rachel Meek Weaving language: Talim in Kashmir and Iranian pattern singing

Anatomy of an object A mysterious dated prayer rug in the Museum of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb, Croatia, knotted somewhere in the Ottoman realm

Common thread Tulip blooms have long appeared in textiles as a motif demonstrating exceedingly good taste

Features A tapestry of conversation Berdj Achdjian The past, the present and the future of tapestry in Aubusson

Maghreb mastery Gebhart Blazek and Gus Cooney The master weavers of Morocco and Algeria played a crucial role in rural textile culture

Mancilawik: portrait of a batik entrepreneur Sandra Niessen The life and work of Yogyakarta atelier founder Wilhelmina Frederika van Lawick van Pabst

Masters of Persia Hadi Maktabi The urban workshop tradition in Persia—from the Timurid era to the 20th century

From Feshane to the palace Court-quality 19th-century custom carpets from the Feshane Imperial Factory