08 Wild Times

Catch up with all the latest developments and discoveries making headlines in the world of wildlife

32 Early birds

Mike Dilger reveals why now is the best time to experience a musical feast like no other

36 Hidden Britain

Nick Baker introduces a harbinger of spring – the greater bee-fly – a parasitoid as well as a pollinator

40 Cover feature:

jaguars in the Pantanal Following the 2020 wildfires, these big cats are miraculously surviving and thriving in Brazil’s wetland

50 Britain’s grasshoppers

bounce back Citizen scientists are reversing the fortunes of the large marsh grasshopper through a reintroduction project

56 Backyard bears

in Romania Romania’s brown bears are increasingly venturing into towns and villages in search of food

66 How dogs help

conservation Dogs are increasingly being used to protect the environment and threatened species

74 Wildlife photography

pioneers How the first wildlife photographers captured their images without today’s cameras to rely on


Atlantic puffin pairs enjoying a spot of mutual preening and bill-tapping Page 18

50 Large marsh grasshoppers are making a comeback in East Anglia


Flying squirrels glow pink p82

82 Q&A

What’s the largest owl?

88 Go Wild

Get the lowdown on Dynasties II and meet the team behind the new Disney+ film about a female polar bear

91 ID Guide

How to identify violets

94 Photo Club

This month’s competition

99 Crossword

Plus Spot the Difference

100 Yo u r L e t t e r s

Join the debate

106 Tales f rom the Bush

Searching for a small insect in the scorching Sydney sun

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